Monday, December 9, 2013

Jonas was chosen for a very rare job that only one person gets. But this job was not picked out of a hat to go to any random twelve it was meant specially for Jonas. Because he isn't the same as everyone else. Jonas has a special ability because of his special eyes. What struck me with surprise is that no one has had this job in ten years. So this must be a job that stands out to people. Jonas's new job is a Receiver of Memory. The reason why Jonah has this job is because he has the capacity to see beyond. Jonas can relate to this because he saw the apple change, Jonas is both scared and exited because he doesn't know what he is to become. In this community you do not want to be different so Jonas is very nervous and scared. What cools Jonas down is the crowd chanting his name so that makes him more confident and reacted.


Today I go to the ceremonies to see what I'm going to get for a job. The ceremonie of twelve. I've been waiting for this day my whole life but once it's here I'm getting a little nervous, I mean you get a Job that you have to stick with your whole life. As we all sit down I see the looks on peoples faces, some are happy, some are said and some are just bored. I'm the fifth person to be called and I'm more nervous than I've ever been in my life.

 I get the job as a nurturer which I am really happy about. As the ceremonies go on I relize that they skipped number 19 which is a boy in my class who's name is Jonas. Everyone stares at Jonas like he did scdomething wrong. I kinda feel bad for him because he too doesn't know why his number didn't get called.Once everyone was called besides Jonas the Cheif Elder apologized to him and told him and told him he was the new receiver of memory...

Eddy D3-4

Day 3
Today I attended the ceremony of 12 in secret. As of yesterday I am a missing person I have gone underground to a ancient Subway station. It was a weird ceremony of 12 this year, they skipped a child's job and then later told him what his job is, the receiver of memory one of the most hidden jobs and respectable job you could ever get it has been at least 20 years since someone has gotten that job. The twelve was frozen on the stage he had no clue what had just happened, neither did I.
Day 4
I had a good nights sleep to think over what had happened the prior night at the ceremony of twelve. For hours I stared at the cold moist walls of the subway it then dawned on me, the last rule it must have something to do with receiver of memory it has to. When I went to records of sins I found the man that tried to steal the last rule, know I have to find him.

Hadley Griffon

I have always been curious about Jonas. He's an alert, smart, quiet boy. As I was watching the person who was giving the assignments, I realized that it would be  Jonas's turn soon. I felt a rush of anticipation, and I hoped that he would like his assignment. Questions bubbled in my head. How would Jonas respond to his assignment? Would he like it? What would it be? Would he trip and fall as he went to the center of the stage? Calm down Hadley, calm down. I didn't even know WHY I felt a spark for this boy. I just knew that something about him was different. Unusual. All off these thoughts rushed inside of me. Then all of a sudden I realized it was Jonas's turn. I straightened my posture and neatly folded my hands in my lap. But the Assignment Giver kept walking. Shock, anger, confusion, worry-I didn't know WHAT to think. As the ongoing assignments were given, more and more and more questions threatened to drown me. People all around me were having the same reactions as I was. The Assignment giver NEVER made a mistake. Especially not when it was the most important ceremony! Before I knew it, every Eleven had been given an assignment, and all of them were smiling and happy. All except Jonas. With the look that was on his face, Jonas looked like he had committed a crime that deserved releasing! Then, something amazing happened. The Assignment giver had walked back to Jonas, and gave an apology speech-about the confusion and skipping Jonas and his assignment. I think I might've blacked out for a minute or two, because the next words I heard were "Jonas, you were assigned The Receiver of Memory". Complete silence. Everyone was open-mouthed, and staring. Jonas was given the most important assignment. And rarest given.


Hi my name is Danny. I just got back from the ceremony of twelve. I finally got an assignment. I am an engineer. I will begin my training in a couple months. I can't wait. I always wanted to be an engineer. My older brother Tom is a nurturer. I am glad I'm not him. 

Jonas is my neighbor. I've know him since I was very little. He got the Receiver of memories job. I don't think he understands what the job is. He has training soon which means he will soon understand. I know he was fit for the job.

Mercy Halloway part2

Katie Ledoux

The Ceremony Of Twelves is today. It has been a while since I introduced myself, so my daughter, Katrina is in the Ceremony. She has been hoping to be a nurturer ever since she could think. But now is the moment of truth.
  I sat in a wooden chair next to Leo and Samuel. Katrina was sitting in the front row in the thirteenth spot, since she was the thirteenth child. 
   "One, Jim Delery, your assignment is Pilot." They called. 
   Two, three, four, five, six, seven. They were all called. My stomach kept churning as thirteen came closer and closer. Eight, nine, ten, eleven.
   "Twelve, Sarah ReCallo, your assignment is Nurturer." Katrina's turn.
   My heart was beating so fast, it felt as if my chest would burst open. I looked across my shoulder to Leo, who was tapping his fingers on his leg like he does when he's nervous. My ears were pounding. My head was suddenly dizzy, and my sight was blurry. All i saw was Katrina stepping onto the black, wooden stage.
   "Thirteen, Katrina Halloway." They said very quikely, but what seemed to take an hour. "Birthmother." 
   That word struck me from behind. Katrina as a Birthmother. Wow.  The crowd clapped and cheered as they did for everyone else. My Katrina a Birthmother...


I'm Emily, and am an 11, soon to be a 12. I live in a family unit with my Mom, Dad, as well as my little brother Max. I love everything about rules. I like following them, and making sure other people do the same. I would say my favorite rule is that everyone has to share there feelings during dinner. I think it adds a sense of comfort, and a little something special. Also I love telling my family unit, especially when I have a very funny dream. I love seeing there faces light up with laughter as they hear my crazy dream. I have to say, I'm quite excited for the ceremony of 12, I can't wait to know what my assignment is going to be. Though, I hope it's nurturer, that my favorite! In my free time, when not doing homework, or studying the book of rules, I often ride my bike. I love the feeling of the wind in my hair, as I glide down the street on my bike. Sorry, gotta go, I have to check the book to see if there re any new rules for the 12's to follow!
See you soon!

Grace ceremony of 12

The ceremony of 12 this year was very diffrent. At first it was the same as every year. They went throught the names and each 12 got there assignment. Nothing special happened until they got to number 18. She was assigned to be a caretaker of the old but after she got it they moved on to 20 skipping 19. At first I though the announcer would go back and apologize for her mistake, but she kept on going until she was finished with the whole group of 12's except number 19. I could see the poor guy sweating in his seat. Once she was done with all the 12's she made apologized. She called the poor kid up and said he had not been assigned but had been selected. He would become the Receiver. They told him he had all the qualities that a receiver needs. Intelligence, integrity, wisdom, and corage. Then they told him that his training envoled physical pain. I didn't know what was happening. I had never seen this happen before and I felt bad for the kid Jonas. She ended with saying, "Jonas you will be trains to be our next receiver of memory. We thank you for your childhood." She left the stage leaving Jonas there alone and the crowd started whispering his name and then louder and louder.

Zac wellins fredricks reaction

The cremony of twelve was going great! Jonas was about to recive his assinment be then the grand elder skiped over him to number twenty. I was astonished! Everybody was they thought that the grand elder had made a mistake but she kept on going and people started to dought him. Fredrick had all ready gotten his assinment as a nurtuer and was quite happy but he felt so bad for Jonas who apperently wasn't getting his assinment. Then at the end then grand elder called Jonas up and said that he had not been assined but he had been selected. Everybody in the croud was puzled because they didn't know what being selected was. Then the grade elder said that he was to be the reciver and that the rerciver trains his only successor. The resiver is to not be alter or changed in any way in the rules so the old reciver can only traine him. Fredrick was amazed Jonas had just been given the most important job in the comunity! But did that mean that they would be seperated from the rest of the groop? Fredrick didn't know. He was both happy for Jonas and sad because he didn't want him to go.

Ceremony of Twelve

I just got back from the ceremony!  I am now an Eleven.  This morning I was wishing that I was becoming a Twelve, now not so much.  Today the Chief Elder went right from eighteen to twenty.  I knew it was wrong and so did everyone else.  I tried to see who she had skipped.  I felt horrible for nineteen.  Then I started to worry, what if I made the same mistake.  I could see everyone else around me whispering and shifting uncomfortably.  Then she told us he was our next Giver.  I was relieved.  Then I remembered about the story our Father had told us, about the last person selected.  Everyone's acted funny around Jonas, who they selected.  I tried not be near him as I rode back with my family.  And now I could stay an Eleven forever. But I can't.  Maybe I should suggest it to the Elders.  I hope I'm not the next Giver.

Joel reaction to the ceremony of twelve

I am attending the cerrimony of advancement today and they are starting to announce the jobs and they reached Jonas's number I was shocked to here that Jonas was skipped and that the announcer kept going realizing that she made a mistake then it was my turn " number 39 come to the stage." I had butterflies in my stomach until I was on the stage the announcer said that I Joel number 39 shall be electrician, then they reached the end and Jonas was called up and he became the receiver of memories which awed me, because I had no clue what that was  but it sounded pretty important and when he was walking of stage people chanted his name so I joined in, and after a while of boring announcements we all went home.

Monday, December 2, 2013


          Hi my name is Albert. I am a 13, now 5'7', and I have been a night nurterer for one year now. I think the elders could have done a better job recognizing that I have always wanted to be an engineer. For my four volunteering years, I spent all of my hours at the construction sites and the architectural designing stations with all the other engineers, learning from them. I am not sure what went wrong with the assignment selection process but the elders gave me the night nurterer assignment, which seemed odd. A year has passed and I have gotten used to the long nights, taking care of crying babies, and doing nothing at all when they are asleep.
           Everything else in my life is sound. I live in a great family unit, with a supporting mom and dad that have loved me since I was a one, and a sister named Samantha who understands me. There is something strange about my sister. She has these odd grayish colored eyes that I had never seen before. She sais that she can see things unlike anybody else. I tell her that if she tried to tell anybody they would give her chastisizement saying that she was lying. I beleive her though.
          I just recently started taking my stirring pills. In comparison to all my friends, I am on the late end of receiving the pills. Most kids begin taking them when they are an 11 or even a 12, but I began last month. I've always tried to ask my parents why I must take them but they always seem to skim or change the subject, never telling me exactly why.
         Life in my community is completely normal. At least, in my opinion because the truth is, I've never been outside my domain to see any other cultures or communities to see what they are like. I wonder if they have elders that select assignments for the 12s. Do they do the same things we do? Are there other communities at all? I don't know but I am constantly trying to figure out. I bet I wouldn't be thinking of these things if I had a more interesting assignment like engineer, what I had always hoped for.


Hi I'm Darrel for those of you who were to lazy to read the title. i live in a world that you might call perfect. Well its not as perfect as you think. Im not allowed to ask people how they feel until I'm 15 and your only allowed three kids per family. But anyways I'm twelve years old and a male. I have a brother named tom and a sister named julia. My best friends are sara and we hang out about every day.


Hi my name is Edward. I am a 12 and I am a average sized kid is my society. In my family group I have a sister named Madeleine a father named Laurent and my mothers name is Roxana. I am a quiet and shy kid in my age group of 12s. Someday a life goal I have is finding my true mother. Something new that's going on is taking a pill to dull the senses so that you can't feel love any longer.

Daelyn McIntosh

Hey, I'm Daelyn McIntosh. I was assigned doctor when I was a 12. Now I am 32, and have a full family unit. My spouse is Andrew, who is a mechanical engineer. We have female 6; Avery. And a male 2; Hunter. I am a very calm, patient and caring doctor. My work hours aren't too, too bad, but I would've liked more work to do. You see, I'm not a very 'high-ranking' doctor. And I don't get tons of patients running to me-begging me to see them. Which means, I don't have a ton of work to do (other than what the high-ranking docs don't want to do). So sometimes I get bored. I know that doesn't sound possible, but it kind of is for me. That's why I wanted to be an engineer. Probably a mechanical engineer like Andrew. I feel like that job would've suited me better. Andrew is hard-working, brave, and quick. That's what I wish I was. I guess different jobs train you to use different skills and personalities sometimes. Well, that's probably about all of my life that you want to hear.



     Hi, my name is Ben. I am 6 foot 9. I am a 39. I live with my mom Clair, dad David and my sister Lilly. I like the color red and I like my job.  I don't like that I always forget things. I work as a person that helps the people that are sick. I work every day of the week. I work in a pretty small building and I work with one more person, Gary. Gary and I have been best friends for a long time. I live next door to Jonas's family and next store to Gary. Gary lives with his dad Ron and his mom Lisa. His parents are really stricked. His mom yells at Gary you can even here her screaming, "Gary you didn't do the Landry." My parents are nice but my sister she gets on my nearvs. She is so anoying talking about how she hates her job. I drives me crazy. This is my life.

Tilly James

My name is Tilly James, I'm an 8 and I live in a perfect society. I have a younger brother Sam who is a 2, and there are my parents, mom and dad. Before my younger brother Sam, I had a older brother John he was an 11 but he died the day I turned to a 7. I was sad but not so sad only because he wasn't even my real brother. My mom on the other hand was devastated she stayed in her room for 2 weeks straight, I always brought her hot coco to keep her warm. There was a long ceremony John the whole town came and stood around him with me, mom, dad, and little Sam.
I have a best friend who is my neighbor, her name is Saylor she is also an eight. She haas an older brother Jacob who is 19 he is married with 2 kids. Her grandma is my grandma but which is really cool but also weird because we are best friends. My grandfather has been released which is a really neat thing but also sort of sad knowing I may never see him again. Dad said that may happen to grandma soon as well, so me and Saylor are trying to spend as much time as we can with her. I love my Grandma sometimes I love her more then Mom, but not always.
Dad tells me I'm as pretty as a princess, I have long blond hair, blue eyes, (just like everybody else) and I'm pretty short. Mom tells me I look like John when he was an eight. John had blond hair and blue eyes just like me. Sam has blond hair and blue hair, just like me and John as well, it is no coincidence.
My mom works at the nurturing center and my dad works with mom at the birthing center. I have to go to an after school program because they work late lots of nights. I don't really like going to the after school program because you do really childish things that I don't like any more, but sometimes grandma will pick me up early and we go get ice creams, boy do I love grandma. This is my life and I love it, but the one thing I would wish for is to not look like everyone else.


Hello my name is Grace. I live in a community and I am 12. I got my job as a nurturer. I won't start working until I'm older but I love kids and spend my volunteer hours in the nurturering center. Besides kids I also like swimming. When I was younger my comfort item was a cat. I have a younger brother named John. I'm really excited to become a nurturer and it was the job I was hoping for.


My name is Mary I am an 8 with dirty blonde hair. I have a little brother named Alex he is a 4. My dad Henry is a nurturer and my mom Jennifer is a nurse. When I was little I was assigned to this family unit. I remember the time that we received my little brother Alex. He was so cute! I was four at the time and now I am an 8 about to be 9 in a couple of days. It felt like my life flew by, like just yesterday I was only receiving my hair ribbons. I thought about how I would be receiving my bike this year. I wished that I had an older brother who could teach me how to ride it.  After I was a nine I couldn't wait till I became a twelve and received my job, I want to be a nurturer just like my dad.


      My name is Kendall. I live in the community with my parents, Marko, polo, my younger brother kenen and a older sister named Kena-jane  I am an 8  and very excited to get volunteer hours I don't know were I want to go to first.  I think I want to start at the house of the old. I enjoy our free time because in secret my older sister Kena-Jane is teaching how to ride her bike.

I'm Jasper

       Hello my name is jasper. I live In a  family unit with my sister Julia who's a four and my mom and dad. Im a nine, I just got my bike and love to ride it with my one and only friend Richard. At the age of nine you get you're very own bike. That is a big deal because now you have a lot of freedom. I don't like we're I live it's boring every ones the same and there's no such thing as fun anything fun is a rule violation is what it seems. And breaking a rule is not as simple as it sounds. There is always the risk of being released that only happens in extreme cases though but I don't want to take the risk. I know you're asking "what is a realising?" A realising is complicated because for old people it's a good thing. But for young people it's bad and frowned apone it's like being kicked out of you're own town or community  Any way I'm 4,10 and have dark brown hair that could pass as black. My eyes are a dark green like the color of any olive. I'm not strong nor weak. Family Unit: Father, nurturer. Mother. Birth mother. Sister Julia four.


          Caleb is a Sixty Four. He is a tall, slim man who is 6'8". Caleb has dark brown eyes, obviously, and shiny black hair. He loves children and always knew he was going to be assigned something that has to do with children; later on in life his job was to assign children jobs. Caleb is a pretty straight forward man. He is serious about his job and doesn't have much of a sense of humor. He loves the responsibility of choosing jobs for kids because he seems to understand them.
       Caleb's life has been about assigning jobs to Twelves for years now. He is always watching the Elevens in their volunteer hours, to see where they spend most of their time and what they do. This year, he is assigning a job to a boy named Jonas, who seems quite curious. He doesn't spend all his hours in one or a few places, he has gone to almost every place. Jonas is a challenging Eleven, because Caleb thinks even Jonas is unsure of where he wants to be assigned.